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A Mistress’s Time should never be taken for granted.

In  Getting Your FemDom Mistress’ Attention, Part 1, we explored the reality of supply vs demand when it comes to subs searching for FemDommes, as well as the fact that you are not alone. One of the best things that you can do to help yourself, is avoid becoming part of the subbie slush pile.

What is the subbie slush pile?

The tidal wave of adoration, random monosyllables, and occasional repetitive inbox flooding “Hi'”s and “How are You?”s that every practicing Femdom is bombarded with. While sometimes sweet–they all have one thing in common: they possess no statement of intent, no serious appeal towards why a Mistress should consider him for her service or when…and by that absence, demonstrate a lack of respect towards both the Mistress and her time. These appeals will be met with civility and courtesy as her schedule permits, but her focus will be on those subs who understand the value of her time and attention: on those conducting sessions, making appointments, asking for paid  email assignments or audios, or who express an interest in setting up an appointment at a date/time of her choosing.

How to get a Mistress’ Attention, and Keep it.

Do remember that you’re addressing a Mistress, and that you want to make the best possible impression.  There are 3 little things will place you miles ahead of anything in the subbie slush pile, so make it count:

  • Let her know what you want
  • Why you believe she should consider you
  • When you would like the honor of a session with her.

And if your initial communication is via IM or Email—do try to be brief. Not only will it show that you can articulate your thoughts in a polite, respectful manner (always a highly desirable trait)–it also demonstrates your respect for the other demands on her time.